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A Guide for Customer Success Teams on Time Management

Help your Customer Success team manage their time better with our best practices.

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Ever feel like your to-do list is running your life rather than the other way around? As a Customer Success Manager (CSM), you’re probably no stranger to the constant juggling act of managing multiple accounts, meeting tight deadlines, and addressing the diverse needs of your customers. 

It’s a role that demands a lot from you – sometimes too much. When time feels like it’s slipping through your fingers, the stress can quickly build up, leading to burnout and a sense of being overwhelmed.

Time management is a challenge everyone faces, but for CSMs, the stakes are particularly high. You’re not just managing your time; you’re managing the success and satisfaction of your customers, too. 

Each minute spent inefficiently can mean a missed opportunity to strengthen a relationship, resolve an issue, or help a customer reach their goals. That’s why it’s crucial to adopt time management strategies that are specifically designed to address the unique pressures of Customer Success.

In this blog, we’ll explore practical time management strategies tailored for CSMs. From prioritizing tasks to automating repetitive processes, we’ll cover the tools and techniques that can help you streamline your work, reduce stress, and ultimately better serve your customers.

Tips for managing your time as a Customer Success professional

Effective time management is all about finding what works best for you and your unique role as a Customer Success professional. With that in mind, let’s explore some practical strategies that can help you take control of your time and boost your productivity:

1. Prioritizing tasks with the Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix, also known as the Urgent-Important Matrix, helps Customer Success professionals prioritize tasks by urgency and importance:

  • Quadrant I

Urgent and important: Tasks that require immediate attention and have significant consequences. Examples include resolving a critical customer issue or preparing for an urgent meeting with a key client.

  • Quadrant II

Important but not urgent: Tasks that are important for long-term success but do not require immediate action. Examples include strategic planning, professional development, and building customer relationships.

  • Quadrant III

Urgent but not important: Tasks that require immediate action but are not crucial to long-term success. Examples include responding to some emails or attending less critical meetings. These tasks should be delegated if possible.

  • Quadrant IV

Neither urgent nor important: Tasks that are neither urgent nor important. Examples include unnecessary meetings or administrative tasks that can be minimized or eliminated.

By categorizing tasks into these quadrants, CSMs can focus on high-priority activities that drive Customer Success and reduce time spent on less important tasks. 

Customer Success tools like Velaris can help with this process by tagging tasks within the platform according to these categories, allowing CSMs to quickly identify and address their most critical responsibilities.

2. Setting SMART Goals

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Setting SMART goals helps CSMs stay focused and organized:

  • Specific: Clearly define what needs to be accomplished. Example: "Increase customer satisfaction score by 10%."
  • Measurable: Ensure the goal can be tracked and measured. Example: "Increase the customer satisfaction score from 80% to 90%."
  • Achievable: Set realistic goals that are attainable. Example: "Achieve a 10% increase in customer satisfaction by implementing new support initiatives."
  • Relevant: Align the goal with broader business objectives. Example: "Improving customer satisfaction to enhance retention rates."
  • Time-bound: Set a deadline for achieving the goal. Example: "Achieve this by the end of the next quarter."

3. Utilizing time blocking and calendar management techniques

Time blocking involves scheduling specific blocks of time for different tasks or activities:

  • Daily planning:

At the start of each day, allocate specific time slots for various activities such as customer check-ins, support ticket resolution, and strategic planning.

  • Focused work sessions: Dedicate uninterrupted blocks of time to focus on high-priority tasks. Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique (25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break) to maintain productivity.
  • Buffer time: Include buffer time between tasks to account for unexpected issues or additional time needed for certain activities.
  • Review and adjust: At the end of each day, review your progress and adjust the schedule for the next day as needed.
  • Color-coding: Use color-coding to differentiate between types of activities (e.g., customer meetings, internal meetings, focused work sessions).

Velaris’ calendar integration and task scheduling features can facilitate this approach, allowing CSMs to plan their day down to the minute and stay focused on their priorities.

4. Leveraging technology for efficiency

Harnessing technology can significantly enhance time management. Here’s how Velaris, with its robust features, can streamline various tasks and improve overall efficiency:

  • Automated workflows: Velaris automates routine tasks such as onboarding sequences, follow-up emails, and data entry. This automation minimizes the manual workload, allowing CSMs to focus on more strategic activities.
  • Customer segmentation: Velaris allows you to segment customers based on their needs, behavior, and lifecycle stage. This can help you prioritize interactions and tailor your approach – ensuring you address the most critical customer issues promptly. 
  • Real-time analytics: Velaris utilizes real-time analytics that help you to gain insights into customer behavior and engagement. These insights enable CSMs to make data-driven decisions, optimize their time, and proactively address potential issues before they escalate. 

5. Delegating and collaborating

Effective delegation and collaboration are essential for managing workload and preventing burnout. Here’s a closer look at how this takes place:

  • Identify delegable tasks: Identify tasks that can be delegated to team members or automated. For example, routine tasks such as data entry or sending follow-up emails can be delegated to junior team members or automated using Velaris.
  • Empower team members: Empower team members by providing them with the necessary tools and training to handle delegated tasks effectively.
  • Collaborate with other departments: Work closely with other departments such as sales, marketing, and product development to ensure customer needs are addressed efficiently and effectively. 

6. Conducting regular reviews and adjustments

Regularly reviewing and adjusting your time management strategies is crucial for continuous improvement. This includes:

  • Weekly reviews: At the end of each week, review what tasks were completed, what challenges were encountered, and what goals were achieved. Use this review to adjust your plans for the following week.
  • Monthly assessments: Conduct a more in-depth assessment at the end of each month to evaluate long-term progress and make strategic adjustments.
  • Feedback loops: Solicit feedback from colleagues and customers to identify areas for improvement. Use this feedback to refine your time management strategies.

7. Implementing the Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule)

The Pareto Principle suggests that 80% of results come from 20% of efforts. Here’s a closer look at how CSMs can apply this principle by identifying and focusing on the tasks that yield the highest impact:

  • Identify high-impact activities: Determine which activities contribute most significantly to Customer Success and satisfaction. For example, proactive customer engagement and strategic planning might be more impactful than routine administrative tasks.
  • Focus on key customers: Prioritize efforts on key customers who generate the most value for the business. Velaris’ customer segmentation tools can help identify these high-value customers and allocate appropriate resources to them.

8. Using the Two-Minute Rule

The Two-Minute Rule, popularized by David Allen in his book "Getting Things Done", states that if a task takes two minutes or less to complete, it should be done immediately:

By addressing quick tasks immediately, CSMs can prevent small tasks from accumulating and becoming overwhelming.

Apply this rule to tasks such as responding to simple customer inquiries, updating CRM records, or sending quick follow-up emails.

9. Adopting the GTD (Getting Things Done) method

David Allen's GTD method is a comprehensive system for managing tasks and commitments:

  • Capture: Collect all tasks, ideas, and commitments in a trusted system such as a to-do list or a task management app.
  • Clarify: Process what each item means and decide what actions are required.
  • Organize: Categorize tasks based on context, priority, and project.
  • Reflect: Regularly review your lists and priorities to stay on track.
  • Engage: Take action on tasks based on the context and available time.

Velaris can integrate with various task management tools, helping CSMs implement the GTD method seamlessly.

10. Conducting time audits

A time audit involves tracking and analyzing how time is spent over a specific period:

  • Track time: Use time-tracking tools to monitor how time is spent on different activities throughout the day.
  • Analyze data: Review the data to identify patterns, inefficiencies, and time-wasting activities.
  • Make adjustments: Use insights from the audit to make informed adjustments to your schedule and prioritize high-value tasks.

11. Setting boundaries and managing interruptions

Managing interruptions is crucial for maintaining productivity:

  • Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries with colleagues and customers regarding availability and response times.
  • Scheduled check-ins: Schedule specific times for checking emails and messages to avoid constant interruptions.

12. Creating and following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

SOPs can streamline recurring tasks and ensure consistency:

  • Document processes: Create detailed SOPs for common tasks such as onboarding, issue resolution, and follow-ups. 
  • Train team members: Ensure all team members are trained on SOPs to maintain consistency and efficiency.
  • Regular updates: Regularly review and update SOPs to reflect best practices and new insights.

Velaris's playbook features come in handy here because it provides a centralized platform to store and access these SOPs, ensuring that CSMs can quickly find and reference necessary procedures without wasting time searching through disparate sources.

13. Practicing effective communication

Clear and efficient communication can save time and reduce misunderstandings:

  • Concise communication: Communicate clearly and concisely, avoiding lengthy emails and meetings.
  • Effective meetings: Set clear agendas for meetings, stick to the schedule, and ensure that discussions are focused and productive.
  • Regular updates: Provide regular updates to customers and team members, keeping everyone informed and aligned.

Why is time management important in Customer Success?

Managing your time effectively isn’t just about getting through your daily tasks – it’s about ensuring that each moment is spent in ways that drive customer satisfaction and long-term success. Here's why mastering time management is crucial in your role.

1. Enhancing productivity and efficiency

Time management allows CSMs to prioritize their workload, ensuring that the most critical tasks are addressed promptly. 

By effectively managing their time, CSMs can enhance their productivity and efficiency, ultimately leading to better customer outcomes and satisfaction. 

2. Building stronger customer relationships

Effective time management enables CSMs to allocate sufficient time for building and maintaining strong customer relationships. 

Regular check-ins, personalized interactions, and timely responses to customer inquiries foster trust and loyalty, which are essential for long-term success. 

3. Meeting customer expectations

Customers expect timely and efficient service. Poor time management can lead to delays in addressing customer issues, resulting in frustration and dissatisfaction. 

By managing their time effectively, CSMs can meet or exceed customer expectations, contributing to higher satisfaction and retention rates. 

Velaris supports this by providing real-time analytics and alerts, enabling CSMs to quickly identify and address potential issues before they escalate. This proactive approach helps maintain high standards of customer service.

4. Avoiding burnout

The role of a CSM is a demanding one. CSMs often juggle numerous responsibilities, including onboarding, training, support, and account management. 

Balancing these tasks can be challenging, especially when unexpected issues arise, and can eventually lead to burnout. CSMs need to find a balance between their professional responsibilities and personal well-being to sustain long-term success. 

Velaris helps mitigate this challenge by integrating all Customer Success activities into a single platform and automating repetitive tasks and providing clear visibility into workload and progress. CSMs can easily switch between tasks without losing context, and set realistic goals and deadlines, preventing overcommitment and reducing stress.

5. Managing customer priorities

Different customers have varying needs and priorities. CSMs must assess and address these needs while ensuring that they do not neglect other important tasks. 

This requires a keen sense of prioritization and time allocation. Velaris' customer segmentation and prioritization tools enable CSMs to categorize customers based on urgency and importance, helping them allocate their time more effectively. 

This ensures that high-priority customers receive the attention they need while routine tasks are handled efficiently.


Time management is a crucial skill for CSMs, directly impacting their ability to deliver exceptional customer experiences and drive long-term success. 

By prioritizing tasks, setting SMART goals, utilizing time blocking techniques, leveraging technology, and delegating effectively, CSMs can enhance their productivity and efficiency.

Velaris, with its robust features and automation capabilities, supports CSMs in managing their time more effectively. By integrating Velaris into their workflow, CSMs can streamline their processes, focus on high-impact activities, and ultimately achieve better customer outcomes.

Book a demo with Velaris today to learn how you can optimize your Customer Success workflows and free up time to focus on driving value for your customers.

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