Uncover and report on the insights hidden in your customers’ communications

Our AI Analytics tool will analyze your tickets and other messages to identify recurring issues and themes so you can gather new insights, report easily and address them proactively.

Get a complete breakdown of all customer comms and their corresponding issues

Our AI sorts your customers’ support tickets and messages into categories that can be broken down into granular topics.

Quickly understand common recurring topics within each category and see how many related communications it has.

Monitor the support ticket volume of each issue and see changes over time.

Unlock deeper insights using filters

Filter customer communications across customer segments, lifecycle stages, health levels, or other customer data points. This will help you find patterns across different types of customers and easily identify root causes.

Easily create high-level reports to inform leadership

Velaris generates all the reports you need to visualize qualitative feedback data and communicate their insights to leadership.

Step into every meeting with the reassurance of real data at your fingertips.

Gather fresh insights, address issues proactively and simplify reporting

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