Automation Builder

Create flexible automations on an intuitive drag-and-drop interface.


Put any action on autopilot

Anything you can do manually in Velaris, you can automate in Scenarios.

  • Create automatic expansion opportunities or risk alerts
  • Assign Playbooks and Contacts to team members
  • Create tasks
  • Populate or change data fields
  • Send personalized emails

…and more.


Choose any trigger to activate your Scenario

Scenarios can be scheduled, or be activated by a trigger event.

Create triggers based on:

  • Events in Velaris such as changes in health, NPS, lifecycle stage, or any other data point
  • Events in your own product
  • Events in any third-party system we connect to

Set conditions and filters to adapt Scenarios to your specific needs.


Get a flowchart overview of your entire Scenario sequence

Drag and drop building blocks onto our automation canvas to create your Scenario.

Easily understand even the most complex sequences at a glance.

The Customer Success Platform recommended by high-growth CS teams

“With Velaris’ automation features, it’s like having an extra set of hands, always keeping us one step ahead.”

Stephanie Hanakova

“Flexible platform and perfect for day-to-day operations in CS.”

Emma Rosendahl

“A must-needed tool for your success team!”

Jose Carlos Vazquez

Ready to discover your new Customer Success superpower?

Velaris will eliminate your team’s troubles and produce better experiences for your customers…and set up only takes minutes. What’s not to love? It’s, well, super!

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