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Churn Prediction Models: What They are and How to Build Them

Learn why and how to build a churn prediction model, necessary tools, implementation tips, and solutions.

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Do you find yourself spending a significant amount of time and resources on replacing churned customers? If the answer's yes, you're not alone.

Many Customer Success Managers (CSMs) face this challenge and are looking for proactive solutions to address it – like predictive analytics, an approach that harnesses the power of big data, machine learning and statistical algorithms to predict future outcomes based on historical data.

This method goes beyond mere guesswork, allowing CSMs to gain insight into customer behaviour, anticipate churn, and develop effective retention strategies.

This is where churn prediction models come in. Churn prediction models use data to forecast which customers are likely to leave, allowing CSMs to identify and address potential churn risks early.

By automating and standardising processes, managing tasks efficiently, and monitoring key metrics, churn prediction models can significantly reduce the cost and effort of replacing churned customers.

In this blog, we will explore what churn prediction models are, their key components, and how to build them step-by-step.

If you're ready to take your customer retention strategies to the next level, let's dive into the basics of churn prediction models.

Why you need to build a churn prediction model

Churn prediction models are our go-to solution for forecasting potential customer departures.

Simply put, these models leverage historical data and analytics to pinpoint which customers are showing signs that they might soon say goodbye. Think of them as your business's early warning system, giving you the chance to swing into action before it's too late. 

Why is this important? Well, it's no secret that keeping an existing customer is far more cost-effective than acquiring a new one. The financial implications alone make customer retention an area you can't afford to overlook. 

But it's not just about the money saved; it's about fostering lasting relationships with your customers, ensuring they feel valued and understood. 

Churn prediction models play a crucial role in this. They sift through a vast array of data – customer behaviour, transaction history, support interactions, and more – to identify patterns and signals that a customer might be on their way out.

This isn't about making wild guesses; it's about informed, data-driven decisions that allow you to tailor your retention strategies to each customer's needs. By understanding the "why" and "how" of customer churn, these models empower you to take proactive steps. 

Whether it's reaching out with personalised offers, addressing concerns highlighted in feedback, or simply showing your customers they matter, churn prediction models are an indispensable tool in your arsenal.

Let's not forget that in a world where customer expectations are higher than ever, being able to anticipate and address these needs before they turn into problems can set you apart from the competition.

So, in essence, churn prediction models are not just about retaining customers; they're about building a stronger, more resilient business.

How to build a churn prediction model

Building a churn prediction model might seem impossible, but with the right approach, it can be broken down into manageable steps. Here's how you can get started: 

  1. Clarify your business objectives 

Begin by defining what you want to achieve with your churn prediction model.

Are you aiming to reduce your churn rate by 10%? Or perhaps you're looking to improve user engagement with personalised interventions?

Setting clear, measurable goals will guide your approach and help you measure success. 

  1. Gather and prep your data 

Data Collection: Your model is only as good as your data. Compile data from Customer Relationship Management systems, customer support interactions, transaction histories, and product usage. Diverse sources offer a more complete picture of your customers. 

Data Cleaning: Tidy up your data by removing duplicates, fixing errors, and filling in missing values. Clean data will improve your model's accuracy. 

Data Integration: Merge data from various sources to create a unified view. This comprehensive perspective is crucial for identifying patterns. 

Data Normalisation: Standardise your data to ensure consistency. This step is critical for comparing data points and making accurate predictions.

  1. Select the right predictive model 

Predictive models are tools that use statistics and machine learning to foresee outcomes based on historical and current data. 

Each type of model has its strengths and drawbacks, and your choice largely depends on your business needs, the nature of your data, and your computational resources. They differ in the ways they process and interpret data, so each will offer a unique perspective on customer churn.

For example, decision Trees might be more comprehensible while Neural Networks can capture complex interactions but may be harder to interpret.

A carefully selected model will impact the effectiveness of your predictions, thereby influencing your churn prevention strategies. 

  1. Train and validate your model 

With your data ready and model selected, it's time to train your model on a subset of your data, allowing it to learn the patterns associated with churn.

Validation comes next, where you test the model on a different data subset to assess its accuracy. It's crucial to adjust and refine your model based on validation results to enhance its predictive power. 

Remember, building a churn prediction model is an iterative process. It might seem daunting at first, but by breaking it down into these steps, you'll find it's a highly manageable and rewarding endeavour. 

With each iteration, your model will become more refined, offering sharper insights that can drive significant improvements in customer retention and success.

Tools you'll need to build a churn prediction model

The right set of tools can make all the difference when building a churn prediction model. These tools range from data collection to model deployment, and each serves a unique purpose in the model-building process.

Here’s a simplified breakdown of the essential tools you'll need: 

  1. Data collection and integration tools 

Customer Data Platforms such as Segment, Tealium, or Adobe Experience Platform are invaluable for corralling data from disparate sources into a single, coherent repository. This unified data view is critical for effective analysis. 

  1. Data preprocessing tools

Python libraries (pandas, NumPy) are the go-to for cleaning and transforming your data, tackling tasks like filling in missing values or standardising data formats. 

  1. Exploratory data analysis tools 

Visualisation tools like Matplotlib, Seaborn, or Tableau and statistical tools in Python or R (like ggplot2) are crucial for understanding the intricacies of your data, helping identify patterns or anomalies that could inform your model. 

  1. Machine learning libraries 

For the actual model building, libraries such as scikit-learn offer a wide range of algorithms and tools for preprocessing, model selection, and evaluation. For more complex models, TensorFlow/Keras or PyTorch provide deep learning frameworks that can uncover the nuanced patterns in customer behaviour.

  1. Model deployment and monitoring tools 

Docker and Kubernetes are essential for packaging your model and ensuring it runs smoothly in any environment. For serving models, frameworks like Flask or Django can help you create APIs to interact with your model.

  1. Collaboration and version control

Collaboration tools like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket are essential for managing code versions, collaborating with team members, and ensuring reproducibility.

  1. Computational resources

Cloud Platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure provide scalable compute and storage resources, making it feasible to train large models and handle extensive datasets.

We understand that the prospect of building a churn prediction model may seem daunting at first glance. Dealing with diverse datasets, selecting the right libraries and frameworks, and eventually deploying your model can all feel a bit overwhelming. 

But remember, it's all about taking that initial leap. As you start working on these tools, you'll slowly get a hang of things and may even become comfortable with the manual upkeep. 

Alternatively, if you'd rather have a more streamlined approach, consider utilising a Customer Success (CS) platform like Velaris. It offers an in-built churn prediction model, taking away the complexities of manual creation and deployment. 

Velaris gives you immediate access to vital information about your customers, analyses all your customer data automatically, and can even identify which customers might be at risk of churning, saving you time and effort.

Implementing churn prediction in CS

Once your churn prediction model is up and running, the next crucial step involves seamlessly integrating it into your CS workflows. This means employing the model's insights to not just observe, but actively engage and retain your clientele.

At its core, implementing churn prediction effectively transforms the way you monitor customer health, making your approach both proactive and personalised. Monitoring customer health becomes significantly more nuanced with a churn prediction model in place. 

You can utilise health scores, a composite metric that factors in various aspects of customer interaction and satisfaction, such as feature usage, frequency of support interactions, and qualitative feedback received from CSMs.

These scores are dynamic, offering a real-time snapshot of your customer's engagement level and satisfaction. By keeping a close eye on these metrics, you're not just watching for signs of trouble; you're staying ahead of them. The real magic happens when you translate the insights gleaned from your churn prediction model into actionable strategies.

For instance, identifying at-risk customers allows you to tailor engagement and loyalty programmes specifically to their needs and concerns.

Imagine a scenario where a customer's health score dips below a certain threshold. Your model can trigger an alert, prompting a personalised outreach effort. This could be anything from a check-in call from their CSM to a special offer designed to re-engage them. 

Moreover, tools like Velaris can automate much of this process, integrating with your churn prediction model to trigger these personalised interventions automatically.

By setting up custom workflows based on the model's predictions, you're not just responding to churn risk; you're preempting it with targeted, meaningful engagement that reinforces the value your customers derive from your service. 

In essence, the successful implementation of a churn prediction model in CS hinges on your ability to turn predictive insights into personalised, proactive customer experiences.

It's about moving beyond the numbers to understand the stories they tell about your customers' journey with your brand and acting decisively to ensure that journey doesn't come to an abrupt end.

Common challenges and solutions

Creating your own churn prediction model can lead to a unique set of challenges, but none of them are unsolvable with the right approach and tools at your disposal. Here are some of the challenges you can expect to face: 

Poor quality data

Firstly, the issue of data quality and volume stands prominent. Sparse or inconsistent data can severely undermine the model's predictive power.

Tackling this challenge head-on requires a rigorous data cleaning process and, where possible, supplementing existing datasets with additional sources to enrich the data pool. It's about striving for quality and quantity in harmony. 

Model inaccuracy

When it comes to model accuracy, the delicate balance between complexity and interpretability often becomes an issue.

While intricate models may boast higher accuracy, they may make it difficult to glean actionable insights.

Ensemble methods serve as a potent solution here, unifying the strengths of various models to enhance accuracy while mitigating their individual weaknesses.

Resource constraints

These constraints are especially when dealing with the computational demands of sophisticated models.

Here, leveraging automated solutions like Velaris can be a game-changer. Such platforms not only streamline the data integration and model training process but also democratise access to advanced analytics, making churn prediction a feasible endeavour for teams of all sizes. 

In essence, each challenge presents an opportunity to refine your approach and further solidify your churn prevention strategy. By embracing these solutions, you're well on your way to transforming potential hurdles into stepping stones towards CS excellence.


In wrapping up our journey through the landscape of churn prediction models, we've uncovered not only their intrinsic value but also the strategic pathways they offer for enhancing customer retention and success.

These models represent a pivotal shift towards a more informed, proactive stance in managing customer relationships. By anticipating potential departures before they happen, businesses can tailor their strategies to address individual needs, fortify bonds, and ultimately transform how they perceive and tackle churn. 

The initial steps – grounded in understanding your data, selecting the right model, and weaving these insights into your CS strategies – can significantly alter the trajectory of your customer relationships for the better.

Integrating platforms like Velaris into your workflows can help your CS team simplify these complex processes, bringing together disparate data and insights to offer a cohesive, actionable view of your customer base. If you'd like to see how Velaris works, request a demo today.

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