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Customer Success Plans: The Blueprint for Long-Term Growth

Learn about the importance of Customer Success plans in retaining and nurturing customers, ensuring mutual success.

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Many Customer Success Managers (CSMs) find themselves struggling with a critical challenge: creating a structured, strategic approach that ensures customers achieve their goals while maintaining a strong relationship. 

Without a clear plan, it’s easy to become reactive rather than proactive, leaving you scrambling to address issues only when they arise.

If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by the need for a more strategic approach, you’re not alone. Many CSMs grapple with the same frustration, trying to balance immediate customer needs with long-term success. That’s where a well-crafted Customer Success (CS) Plan comes into play. 

In this blog, we’ll explore how a Customer Success Plan can help you transform your approach, providing a roadmap to guide your interactions, set clear objectives, and track progress effectively. 

We’ll also show how Velaris can be a valuable tool in creating and managing these plans, so you can shift from putting out fires to driving meaningful, sustained success for your customers. Let's dive into how you can turn strategy into action and enhance your customer relationships.

What is a Customer Success plan?

A Customer Success plan is a strategic action plan designed to ensure that customers achieve their desired outcomes while using a company's products or services. This plan is built on a proactive approach, emphasizing continuous engagement, support, and optimization to enhance the customer experience and foster long-term relationships. 

The primary goal of a Customer Success plan is to ensure customers derive significant value from the company's offerings, leading to boosted customer satisfaction, increased retention rates, higher lifetime value, and positive word-of-mouth referrals, which in turn drives sustainable business growth.

Now that you understand their main purpose, let’s explore how a Customer Success plan can be beneficial in more detail.

Why do you need a Customer Success plan? 

Customer Success plans are more than just documents; they are strategic tools that help you proactively manage and support your customers throughout their journey with your product or service. Here are some key reasons why:

  1. Provides a clear roadmap
  • Structured approach: A Customer Success plan outlines specific steps and milestones, giving the CSM a clear roadmap to follow. This structure helps ensure that all critical aspects of Customer Success, such as onboarding, training, and ongoing support, are systematically addressed.
  • Goal alignment: By defining clear goals and success criteria, the plan ensures that both the CSM and the customer are aligned on what constitutes success. This alignment helps focus efforts on activities that directly contribute to achieving these goals.
  1. Enhances customer onboarding
  • Smooth transition: A well-defined onboarding success plan helps new customers transition smoothly into using the product or service. It ensures they understand key features and functionalities, reducing the learning curve and increasing early adoption.
  • Personalized support: Success plans enable CSMs to provide personalized support tailored to each customer's unique needs and objectives, making the onboarding experience more effective and engaging.
  1. Facilitates proactive engagement
  • Regular check-ins: Customer Success plans have scheduled check-ins with customers to discuss their progress, address any challenges, and offer additional support. This proactive approach helps build stronger relationships and keeps customers engaged.
  • Health monitoring: By monitoring customer health scores and engagement metrics, Customer Success plans allow CSMs to identify potential issues before they escalate, ensuring timely interventions and preventing churn.
  1. Drives continuous improvement
  • Feedback collection: Success plans include mechanisms for regularly collecting customer feedback, which provides valuable insights into their experiences and needs. This feedback is crucial for continuous improvement and helps CSMs make data-driven decisions.
  1. Strengthens customer relationships
  • Building trust: A Customer Success plan fosters consistent and meaningful interactions with customers, helping to build trust and loyalty. Customers are more likely to stay loyal to a company that demonstrates a commitment to their success.
  • Value demonstration: Regularly engaging with customers and helping them achieve their goals reinforces the value of the product or service, leading to higher customer satisfaction and long-term retention.
  1. Enables strategic planning
  • Resource allocation: Customer Success plans help CSMs allocate resources effectively, ensuring that high-value customers receive the attention they need while also addressing the needs of other customer segments.
  • Scalability: A well-structured Customer Success plan provides a scalable framework that can be adapted as the customer base grows, ensuring consistent and effective Customer Success management.

Now that we've covered why a Customer Success Plan is so important, it’s time to focus on how you can create one that truly works for you and your team. 

How to create the perfect Customer Success plan

A well-structured Customer Success plan involves several key steps to ensure that the customer achieves their desired outcomes and continues to find value in your product or service. 

Your company can have multiple success plans, for the various stages of the life cycle, each with their own individual goals and objectives. Here is a step-by-step process to create an effective Customer Success plan:

Step 1: Understand the customer's goals and objectives

Initial meeting

Conduct a kickoff meeting to discuss the customer's business goals, objectives, and key performance indicators (KPIs). This sets the foundation for a successful partnership by aligning both parties on the desired outcomes. The process of this meeting is as follows:

  • Schedule meeting: Arrange a meeting with all relevant stakeholders from both your team and the customer’s team. If you’re using CS software like Velaris, these key flows can be automated as you onboard a customer – helping your team to save time and be more consistent. 
  • Discussion points: Discuss the customer’s short-term and long-term goals, key business objectives, and specific KPIs they aim to achieve.


Document the customer's goals and ensure they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

  • Draft documentation: Create a detailed document outlining the customer’s goals, objectives, and KPIs.
  • Review and approval: Review the document with the customer to ensure accuracy and completeness. Make necessary revisions based on feedback.
  • Finalization: Finalize the document and ensure it is accessible to all relevant parties. If you’re using Velaris, you’ll be able to store and share documents directly on your CS platform – making it easier to collaborate with your team and customers.

Step 2: Assess the current situation

Current state analysis

Understand the customer's current processes, tools, and challenges to identify areas for improvement and tailor solutions that address specific needs.

  • Information gathering: Collect detailed information about the customer’s current state, including existing processes, tools, and pain points.
  • Analysis: Analyze the gathered information to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis).

Gap analysis

Identify gaps between the current state and the desired future state, helping in developing a targeted action plan to bridge these gaps.

  • Identify gaps: Compare the current state with the desired future state to identify gaps in processes, tools, and capabilities.
  • Documentation: Document the identified gaps and prioritize them based on their impact on achieving the customer’s goals. 

Step 3: Define success criteria

Success metrics

Success metrics are quantifiable measures that indicate whether the customer is achieving their goals. These metrics should be closely aligned with the customer's business objectives. Some examples include increased revenue, reduced churn rate, higher customer satisfaction scores, or improved operational efficiency.

  • Collaborative definition: Work with the customer to define specific success metrics that align with their business goals.


Establish key milestones and deliverables that will indicate progress towards achieving the goals. They serve as checkpoints that help in assessing progress and ensuring that the project stays on track. 

  • Identify Key Stages: Break down the customer’s goals into manageable phases or steps, each with specific deliverables and timelines.
  • Document Milestones: Clearly document each milestone, including what needs to be accomplished, who is responsible, and the expected completion date.
  • Regular Review: Regularly review progress towards these milestones with the customer to ensure that everything is on track.

If you’re creating success plans on a platform like Velaris, you can set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) by breaking your larger goals down into smaller milestones – making it easier to track how close you are to achieving your desired outcomes. 

Step 4: Develop a customized success plan

Tailored strategy

Create a strategy tailored to the customer's specific needs and objectives, ensuring that the approach taken is directly aligned with their goals.

  • Strategy development: Develop a strategy that is specifically tailored to the customer’s needs, objectives, and industry context.
  • Documentation and sharing: Document the strategy and share it with all relevant stakeholders for review and approval. 

Resource allocation

Identify and allocate the necessary resources, including time, personnel, and technology, to execute the success plan effectively.

  • Identify resources: Determine the resources required to implement the success plan, including team members, technology, and budget.
  • Allocate resources: Assign resources based on availability and expertise, ensuring that all aspects of the plan are adequately supported. If you’re using Velaris, you can assign your team members to success plans as well as the individual tasks under them. This way, everyone knows what they’re responsible for.

Step 5: Implementation and onboarding

Onboarding plan

Develop a detailed onboarding plan to guide the customer through the initial setup and adoption process, ensuring they are fully equipped to use the product or service effectively.

  • Plan development: Develop a detailed onboarding plan that covers all necessary steps for successful implementation and adoption. 
  • Execution: Execute the onboarding plan, providing the necessary support and resources to the customer.

Training and support

Provide training sessions, documentation, and support to ensure the customer is comfortable using the product or service, leading to higher adoption and satisfaction rates.

  • Training sessions: Organize training sessions to educate the customer on how to use the product or service effectively. You can use Velaris to schedule these sessions for you, with its automation capabilities allowing you to pre-plan interactions.
  • Documentation: Provide comprehensive documentation and resources to support the customer’s learning.
  • Ongoing support: Offer ongoing support to address any questions or issues that arise. Using a platform like Velaris can be useful here, as it brings all of your customer communication channels to one location – making it easier to keep track of your interactions.

Step 6: Regular check-ins and progress reviews

Scheduled meetings

Set up regular check-ins to review progress, address any issues, and make necessary adjustments to the plan, ensuring that the customer stays on track towards their goals.

  • Meeting schedule: Establish a regular schedule for check-in meetings with the customer. You can use Velaris to schedule and manage regular check-ins, set agendas, invite participants, and track meeting outcomes – all in one place.
  • Agenda preparation: Prepare an agenda for each meeting, focusing on key topics such as progress review, challenges, and next steps.
  • Action items: Document action items and follow up on them to ensure timely completion.

Progress reports

Provide regular progress reports to the customer, highlighting achievements and areas needing attention, to help keep the customer informed and engaged.

  • Report generation: Generate detailed progress reports that highlight key achievements, challenges, and next steps. If you’re using Velaris, you’ll be able to use its analytics capabilities to pull data from multiple integrated sources and produce reports directly on your CS platform.
  • Review and discussion: Review the reports with the customer during check-in meetings, discussing progress and any necessary adjustments to the plan.

Step 7: Adjust and optimize

Feedback loop

Establish a feedback loop to gather input from the customer and make continuous improvements to the success plan, ensuring it remains relevant and effective.

  • Feedback collection: Collect feedback from the customer through surveys, interviews, or regular check-ins.
  • Analysis and action: Analyze the feedback and make necessary adjustments to the success plan based on the insights gathered. Velaris has survey and feedback tools integrated directly into its platform, making it easy to gather and act on customer insights in one place.

Plan adjustments

Be flexible and adjust the success plan as needed based on feedback and changing customer needs, ensuring that it remains aligned with the customer’s evolving needs and circumstances.

  • Identify adjustments: Identify necessary adjustments based on feedback, performance data, and changing customer needs.
  • Implement changes: Implement the changes to the success plan and communicate them to all relevant stakeholders.

Step 8: Demonstrate value

Showcase results

Regularly showcase the value being delivered through success stories, case studies, and data-driven insights to reinforce the customer’s belief in the partnership and the product or service.

  • Success stories: Create success stories and case studies that highlight key achievements and the value delivered to the customer.
  • Data-driven insights: Use data to demonstrate the impact of the product or service on the customer’s goals and objectives.

Celebrate milestones

Celebrate achievements and milestones with the customer to reinforce the value they are receiving and strengthen the relationship.

  • Identify milestones: Identify key milestones and achievements to celebrate with the customer.
  • Celebrate together: Organize celebratory events or send congratulatory messages to recognize the customer’s success. You can use tools like Velaris to send automated congratulatory messages and organize celebratory events, ensuring that all details are managed and communicated effectively.

Step 9: Long-term partnership

Strategic partnership

Position yourself as a strategic partner by continuously identifying new opportunities for the customer to grow and succeed, ensuring a long-term and mutually beneficial relationship.

  • Opportunity identification: Continuously identify new growth opportunities for the customer, based on their evolving needs and market trends.
  • Proposal development: Develop proposals for new opportunities and present them to the customer, demonstrating how they align with their goals.

Continuous improvement

Maintaining an ongoing relationship focused on continuous improvement ensures that the customer continues to receive value and achieve sustained success.

  • Ongoing engagement: Engage with the customer regularly to review progress, gather feedback, and identify areas for improvement.
  • Improvement initiatives: Implement continuous improvement initiatives based on feedback and performance data.

Use Velaris to manage ongoing interactions and track continuous improvement initiatives. The platform’s collaboration tools ensure that all efforts are well-coordinated and effective.


A well-crafted Customer Success plan is indispensable for CSMs striving to transform their customer interactions from reactive to proactive, ensuring that customers not only achieve their goals but also maintain a strong, enduring relationship with your company. 

By following a structured approach, you can systematically address all critical aspects of Customer Success, from onboarding and training to ongoing support and continuous improvement. This not only enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty but also drives business growth through increased retention and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Leveraging tools like Velaris can streamline the creation, management, and execution of these plans, making it easier to collaborate with your team, track progress, and demonstrate value to your customers. 

If you’d like to learn more about how Velaris can help you create Customer Success plans and more, request a demo today.

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