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Customer Tiers for Customer Success: The Complete Guide

Discover the benefits of customer tiering and learn how to optimise your Customer Success strategy by categorising clients based on engagement levels and needs.

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Managing a diverse customer base can be a challenging balancing act. Many Customer Success Managers (CSMs) find it difficult to allocate their time and resources effectively, especially when faced with a mix of high-value clients, high-risk customers, and everyone in between. This often leads to a scattered approach, where resources are either stretched too thin or not aligned with customer needs, impacting both satisfaction and retention.

If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. The key to overcoming this challenge lies in strategically categorizing your customers into tiers. By implementing a tiered approach, you can better prioritize your efforts and tailor your strategies to meet the unique needs of each customer segment. This method helps streamline your resource allocation, enhance personalization, and ultimately drive better outcomes for your clients.

In this blog, we'll explore how customer tiering can transform your approach to managing customer relationships. You'll learn how to define and implement customer tiers, allocate resources effectively, and personalize your interactions to boost satisfaction and retention. With these insights, you'll be well-equipped to make the most of your Customer Success efforts.

Understanding customer tiers

Customer tiering refers to the classification of customers into distinct groups based on certain criteria such as their size, revenue potential, or specific needs. This segmentation usually includes the default customer tier, the Small and Medium-sized Business (SMB) customer tier, the mid-market customer tier, and the enterprise customer tier. 

Here’s how each tier represents a different level of engagement, support requirements, and strategic value to the organization:

Default customer tier 

This tier encompasses all clients, irrespective of their size or revenue, ensuring that every customer has access to basic support. Self-service resources are heavily leveraged in this tier, empowering customers to find quick solutions to their common queries and fostering an environment of efficiency and autonomy.

Small-and-Medium-Sized Business (SMB) customer tier

This tier is specifically designed for businesses with an Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) under $5k. The focus here is on delivering efficient support that can scale alongside the growth of these businesses. Automation and community resources play pivotal roles, ensuring that SMBs receive timely and effective support without overwhelming the Customer Success team.

Mid-market customer tier

This tier targets businesses with an ARR between $5k and $100k. The support strategy evolves to include a more personalized approach, blending automated solutions with human interactions. This ensures that mid-market businesses receive the attention and tailored support they require to thrive.

Enterprise customer tier 

This tier caters towards large enterprises with an ARR exceeding $100k. It is characterized by high-touch, bespoke support strategies and a focus on strategic partnership. The objective is to work closely with these enterprises, understand their intricate needs, and provide solutions that not only resolve immediate issues, but also contribute to their long-term success.

Now that you have a better understanding of what the top tiers are, let’s get into the benefits of the approach. 

Benefits of customer tiering

Once you’ve established customer tiers, you’re poised to unlock a range of benefits that can significantly enhance your Customer Success strategy, such as:

1. Improved resource allocation

By understanding the unique needs and potential of each tier, companies can tailor their support and resources more effectively, ensuring that each customer receives the level of attention they require. This not only optimizes the use of company resources but also enhances customer satisfaction by providing a more personalized and relevant service experience. 

2. Better revenue management

By identifying which tiers hold the most growth potential, companies can strategically focus their efforts on nurturing these relationships – maximizing revenue opportunities and ensuring a healthier bottom line.

3. Streamlined Customer Success efforts

In essence, customer tiering allows organizations to streamline their Customer Success efforts, ensuring that each customer segment receives the appropriate level of support and engagement, ultimately fostering stronger relationships and driving business success.

With a clear understanding of how customer tiering can benefit your strategy, you’re better equipped to implement this approach effectively.

If you're looking for a Customer Success platform to help you with this process, pick one like Velaris that enables dynamic segmentation based on criteria like ARR or engagement metrics and allows custom attributes to adapt customer tiers as profiles evolve. 

The next step is to explore how to set up and manage these tiers to ensure you’re getting the most out of this strategy. 

Tailoring your CS strategies to customer tiers

Navigating Customer Success effectively demands a strategic approach tailored to the unique needs and potential of each customer tier. Here are innovative tips for maximizing success across each segment:

Default customer tier

1. Advanced chatbots

For businesses aiming to refine their approach to the default customer tier, a focus on technology and engagement can significantly enhance the customer journey. Integrating advanced chatbots is a step towards achieving this, as they offer immediate support for common queries – improving the overall user experience. This automation not only aids in managing high volumes of basic enquiries efficiently but also allows your Customer Success team to dedicate more time to complex issues, enhancing service quality.

2. Multimedia resources

Maintaining an updated library of multimedia resources, including tutorial videos, and hosting live webinars, provides customers with self-service options that are both informative and engaging. These resources empower users by giving them the tools they need to resolve issues independently and learn at their own pace, increasing product adoption and satisfaction.

3. Interactive FAQ sections

Implementing interactive FAQ sections with advanced search functionalities further streamlines the process of finding solutions to common problems. This not only reduces the workload on your Customer Success team but also enhances the customer experience by providing instant answers to their questions.

4. User feedback surveys

Conducting periodic user feedback surveys is invaluable. These surveys offer insights into how your resources and tools are perceived by users, ensuring they remain relevant and user-focused. By continually adapting your offerings based on direct feedback, you create a dynamic and responsive service environment that prioritizes customer needs and fosters loyalty within the tier.

SME customer tier

1. Comprehensive self-service portal

Implementing a comprehensive self-service portal is paramount for the SME customer tier. This portal should be rich with resources finely tuned to address the common challenges and pain points experienced by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This empowers SMEs to find solutions independently, enhancing their satisfaction and reducing the demand on your customer support team.

2. Proactive communication

Another crucial strategy is proactive communication through automated product updates and maintenance alerts. This approach keeps SMEs well-informed and engaged, fostering a sense of trust and reliability. They appreciate being in the loop, which can significantly enhance their perception of your brand and its dedication to their success.

3. Automated onboarding sequences

Automated onboarding sequences offer a streamlined entry path for SME customers. By automating this process, you ensure that all SMEs receive consistent information and support from the get-go. This not only optimizes the onboarding experience but also lays a solid foundation for their ongoing engagement with your product, potentially increasing long-term customer retention. Velaris enhances this with automations that trigger emails and playbooks for seamless onboarding.

4. Community-riven webinars

Community-driven webinars are a brilliant tool for fostering peer learning and support among the SME network. These sessions offer valuable learning opportunities and build a community around your brand, making SMEs feel like they are part of something larger – a collective that understands and addresses their unique needs and challenges.

Mid-market customer tier

1. Detailed success plans

Maximizing engagement and driving success requires a well-crafted, strategic approach. Creating joint success plans in close collaboration with clients is key to this strategy, fostering alignment and accountability. With Velaris, users can develop custom account plans and track their progress, driving real outcomes for your team and clear ROI for customers. This collaborative process ensures both parties work towards shared goals, significantly increasing the chances of achieving desired results.

2. Customized virtual workshops

Customized virtual workshops present an invaluable opportunity to elevate product knowledge and utilization. Tailored specifically to address the unique challenges and objectives of mid-market customers, these workshops facilitate a more interactive and impactful learning experience. By offering content that resonates with their specific business environment, customers are more likely to engage deeply with the product, unlocking its full potential in the process.

3. Specific success metrics

Defining specific success metrics and providing industry-specific resources are critical steps towards offering targeted support that resonates with the mid-market tier. These measures allow for the tracking of progress against clearly defined benchmarks, ensuring that support efforts are both effective and relevant. The availability of resources tailored to the unique needs of this tier amplifies the value delivered, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. User groups

The organization of user groups plays a pivotal role in strengthening the mid-market community. By facilitating networking and peer assistance, these groups create a supportive ecosystem where customers can share insights, challenges, and successes. This not only enriches the customer experience but also fosters a sense of belonging and mutual growth among peers, contributing significantly to their overall success.

Enterprise customer tier

1. Dedicated account teams

The stakes and expectations are notably higher with this tier, so one pivotal approach involves assigning dedicated account teams. These teams work closely with enterprise customers, fostering a deep understanding of their business objectives and challenges. This setup ensures a partnership built on trust and strategic alignment, which is critical for long-term success.

2. Regular EBRs
Regular Executive Business Reviews (EBRs) are another cornerstone for the enterprise tier. These sessions are not mere formalities but strategic discussions that delve into goals, performance, and future roadmaps. EBRs serve as an essential touchpoint for reassessing needs, celebrating wins, and realigning strategies, ensuring that the partnership remains robust and outcomes-focused.

3. Custom dashboards

Custom dashboards are essential for providing enterprise customers with real-time views of key metrics tailored to their unique needs. This personalization enhances decision-making and ensures insights are always accessible, enabling a more agile response to trends and challenges. Platforms like Velaris allow you to create custom dashboards suited to specific organizational structures, helping you empower your customers with relevant, actionable data.

4. Co-creation workshops

Co-creation workshops represent a unique opportunity for enterprise customers to contribute directly to product evolution. By involving them in the development process, companies can ensure that their offerings remain relevant and highly aligned with customer needs, fostering a sense of ownership and investment in the product’s success.

5. Strategic partner programs

Establishing strategic partner programs elevates the customer relationship from merely transactional to deeply symbiotic. These programs are designed to unlock new value, offering benefits that extend beyond the core product or service and making the relationship increasingly beneficial for both parties.

Measuring the success of your tiering strategy

A rigorous focus on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is essential to gauge the effectiveness of your customer tiering strategy. These metrics offer a clear lens through which the health and efficacy of your tier-based approach can be assessed. 

Customer satisfaction, quantified through scores such as CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score) and NPS (Net Promoter Score), provides invaluable insights into how well your services are resonating with each customer segment. 

Equally telling is the churn rate, which signifies customer retention efficacy, whilst Lifetime Value (LTV) sheds light on the long-term profitability of each tier. Upsell and cross-sell metrics further elucidate the growth opportunities within each customer segment.

However, the mere tracking of these KPIs is not sufficient. A proactive, data-driven refinement process is pivotal. This involves delving into the underlying causes behind the numbers, identifying areas of success, and pinpointing avenues for improvement. 

By continuously analyzing and refining your tiering strategy based on empirical data, you ensure that your approach remains agile, responsive, and aligned with the evolving needs and potentials of your diverse customer base. This ongoing cycle of measurement, analysis, and adjustment is key to maintaining a dynamic and successful customer tiering framework.


Mastering customer tiering can significantly enhance your Customer Success strategy. By categorizing clients into default, SMB, mid-market, and enterprise tiers, you can provide tailored support, optimize resource allocation, and boost satisfaction and retention. 

Each tier benefits from specific strategies – like gamification for SMBs, customizable playbooks for mid-market, and strategic alignment for enterprise clients – while cross-tier strategies ensure personalized support. Focusing on tiered approaches can lead to a more effective Customer Success strategy and a thriving business. 

If you’d like to explore how Velaris can help you implement these strategies and drive greater value for your customers – book a demo today.

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