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A Guide to NPS Survey Best Practices for Customer Success Managers

Discover the best ways to handle NPS surveys and make the most out of customer feedback.

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Customer Success Managers (CSMs) know that understanding customer satisfaction is key to fostering loyalty and growth. One of the most effective tools in this pursuit is the Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey, but creating and utilizing these surveys can present significant challenges.

CSMs often face hurdles like low response rates, vague feedback, and the difficulty of translating survey data into actionable strategies. How can you ensure your NPS surveys provide the insights needed to enhance Customer Success?

In this article, you’ll learn how to design effective NPS surveys, maximize response rates, and turn your findings into actionable strategies that drive customer satisfaction and retention. Before we get into all that, let’s start with the basics.

Understanding NPS and its importance

To make the most of NPS surveys, it’s crucial to first understand what NPS is and why it’s so valuable for CSMs.

NPS measures customer loyalty by asking one simple question: 

“On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend or colleague?” 

Respondents are categorized according to their responses into: 

  • Promoters (9-10)
  • Passives (7-8)
  • Detractors (0-6).

For CSMs, this metric is essential because it offers valuable insights into customer sentiments and helps identify at-risk customers and brand advocates – allowing for targeted strategies to address both groups effectively.

With that in mind, let’s explore how to design effective NPS surveys.

Designing an effective NPS survey: best practices

Creating a well-designed NPS survey is the next step in gathering meaningful feedback and it involves more than just asking a single question. To gather meaningful feedback, you need to design surveys that are clear, timely, and relevant to your customers. Here are some best practices to ensure your NPS surveys hit the mark:

  1. Create clear and concise questions

Keep your NPS question straightforward and easy to understand. Avoid jargon and complex language. The simpler the question, the more likely you are to get accurate and honest responses. 

Always follow up the main NPS question with an open-ended question like, "What is the primary reason for your score?" to gather more detailed insights.

  1. Choose the right survey timing and frequency

Timing is everything. Send NPS surveys at strategic points in the customer journey, such as after a purchase, following a customer support interaction, or at regular intervals (e.g., quarterly or biannually). 

Avoid survey fatigue by spacing out your surveys and ensuring each one is relevant to the customer’s recent experience.

Customer Success tools like Velaris can help you automate survey invitations and follow-ups through time-based or trigger-based email sequences, ensuring that they are sent at optimal times, such as after a purchase or customer service interaction.

  1. Customize NPS surveys for different customer segments

Tailor your surveys to different customer segments to make them more relevant and engaging. Consider factors like customer tenure, product usage, and demographics when customizing your surveys. Personalized surveys can lead to more accurate and actionable feedback. 

If you’re using Velaris, you’ll be able to send out in-app surveys to pre-set segments – making it easier to ensure they reach the right people.

Designing an effective NPS survey is just the beginning. Next, we'll explore how to maximize your survey response rates to ensure you're gathering feedback from a representative sample of your customer base.

Maximizing response rates

Getting customers to respond to your NPS surveys is crucial for collecting meaningful feedback. By implementing strategies that encourage participation, you can ensure your surveys capture a representative sample of your customer base. Here are some effective tactics:

  1. Encourage survey participation

Offer incentives, such as discounts or entry into a prize draw, to motivate customers to complete your survey. 

Additionally, keep your surveys short and respect your customers' time by communicating how long it will take to complete. Clear and honest communication about the purpose of the survey and how their feedback will be used can also boost participation.

  1. Personalized survey invitations

Personalization can significantly impact response rates. Address customers by their name and reference their specific interactions with your company. 

Personalized invitations show that you value their individual feedback and increase the likelihood they will take the time to respond.

  1. Utilizing multiple channels to reach customers

To reach a broader audience, send your surveys through various channels, such as email, in-app notifications, and SMS. Different customers have different preferences, so offering multiple options can increase the chances of getting a response.

Maximizing your survey response rates is essential for gathering comprehensive feedback. Once you have collected this data, the next step is to analyze it effectively to gain actionable insights. 

Analyzing NPS data effectively

Understanding how to interpret the results and identify trends will allow you to take meaningful action based on customer feedback. Here are some key steps to help you analyze your NPS data:

  1. Interpret NPS scores and identify trends

Calculate your NPS by subtracting the percentage of Detractors (scores 0-6) from the percentage of Promoters (scores 9-10). This gives you a single number ranging from -100 to +100. 

Look for trends over time to see if your NPS is improving, staying consistent, or declining. Identifying patterns can help you understand the overall direction of customer sentiment.

  1. Segment feedback by customer demographics and behavior

Break down your NPS data by different customer segments, such as age, location, product usage, or tenure. This segmentation allows you to identify specific groups that may have unique experiences or needs. 

By understanding these nuances, you can tailor your strategies to address the concerns of each segment more effectively.

  1. Tools and techniques for data visualization and reporting

Use data visualization tools to make sense of your NPS data. Graphs, charts, and heatmaps can help you spot trends and patterns that might not be immediately obvious. 

Effective reporting should highlight key insights and actionable items, making it easier to communicate findings to your team and stakeholders.

Analyzing your NPS data effectively is the foundation for making informed decisions. With a clear understanding of the feedback, your next step would be to take action on these insights to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Taking action on NPS feedback

Now that you’ve gathered and analyzed your NPS data, the next step is to take meaningful action. Closing the feedback loop by responding to your customers shows them you’re committed to improving their experience. Here's how to effectively respond to Promoters, Passives, and Detractors based on their NPS feedback.

Responding to Promoters  

Promoters are your most loyal customers who love your product or service. Their feedback is an opportunity to strengthen the relationship and amplify their positive experiences.

  • Express gratitude: Start by thanking Promoters for their positive feedback and loyalty. Let them know their support is valued.
  • Encourage advocacy: Gently encourage them to share their experiences on social media, review platforms, or through referrals. Promoters are more likely to become advocates if they feel appreciated.
  • Offer exclusive rewards: Consider offering special incentives, such as loyalty rewards or early access to new features, as a token of appreciation for their continued support.

By nurturing Promoters, you can turn them into brand ambassadors who contribute to your company’s growth.

Responding to Passives  

Passives are neutral customers who are not unhappy but are also not enthusiastic about your product or service. They may be vulnerable to switching to a competitor, so it’s important to engage with them to better understand their needs.

  • Ask for more details: Reach out to Passives to understand why they aren’t fully satisfied. Ask what could make their experience better.
  • Show interest in improvement: Let them know you’re actively working to improve their experience based on their feedback. Highlight any upcoming changes that might address their concerns.
  • Provide incentives: Offering small perks, such as discounts or personalized service, can help turn Passives into Promoters and increase their overall satisfaction.

Proactively engaging with Passives helps prevent them from drifting away and encourages their loyalty.

Responding to Detractors  

Detractors are dissatisfied customers who are at risk of churn. Their negative feedback should be addressed with empathy and urgency.

  • Acknowledge their concerns: Start by thanking Detractors for their honest feedback. Apologize for any negative experiences and acknowledge their frustrations.
  • Dig deeper: Reach out personally to gain a deeper understanding of their issues. Ask for specific details and listen to their concerns without being defensive.
  • Offer solutions: Provide clear steps you’re taking to resolve their problems. Where appropriate, offer compensation, such as a refund, discount, or upgraded service to show your commitment to making things right.

Turning Detractors into satisfied customers may not always be possible, but by addressing their concerns with care, you can often recover the relationship and rebuild trust.

After closing the feedback loop with Promoters, Passives, and Detractors, it’s crucial to integrate these insights into your broader Customer Success strategy. Continuous improvement based on customer input is key to long-term success, which we’ll explore in the next section.

Integrating NPS insights into your Customer Success strategy

To maximize the impact of your NPS surveys, it’s essential to integrate the insights you gain into your broader Customer Success strategy. This ensures that feedback translates into actionable improvements across your organization. Here’s how to effectively incorporate NPS data into your Customer Success efforts:

  1. Aligning NPS data with customer health scores and other metrics:

Combine NPS scores with other key performance indicators (KPIs) such as customer health scores, churn rates, and product usage metrics. This holistic approach helps you understand the full context of customer satisfaction and identify specific areas that need attention.

Aligning these metrics alongside other data provides a more comprehensive view of your customers' overall experience, helping you to make informed decisions and coordinate efforts more effectively.

  1. Creating success plans based on NPS feedback

Develop tailored success plans that address the specific feedback from your NPS surveys. For example, if a segment of customers expresses dissatisfaction with onboarding, create a detailed plan to improve that process. 

These plans should include clear objectives, timelines, and KPIs to track progress and ensure that customer concerns are effectively addressed.

  1. Utilizing cross-functional collaboration to drive improvements

NPS feedback often touches multiple areas of your organization, from product development to customer support. Foster cross-functional collaboration by sharing insights with relevant teams and working together to implement changes. 

Regularly scheduled meetings and integrated project management tools can facilitate this collaboration, ensuring that feedback leads to coordinated, organization-wide improvements.

Velaris can help you break down data silos by connecting the tools used across various departments, allowing seamless data sharing and a unified view of customer interactions. 

Integrating NPS insights into your Customer Success strategy is crucial for continuous improvement. By aligning data, creating targeted success plans, and fostering collaboration, you can ensure that feedback drives meaningful change.

Following this practice, streamlining the distribution and following-up NPS surveys through automation is another procedure with its advantages. The next section will look more into this.

Benefits and steps to automating NPS survey processes

Automating the distribution and follow-up of NPS surveys can greatly enhance efficiency and ensure timely feedback collection. Here are the steps to setting up automated workflows for your NPS surveys:

  • Identify key touchpoints: Determine the optimal moments in the customer journey to send NPS surveys, such as after a purchase, a support interaction, or at regular intervals.
  • Create survey templates: Design standard NPS survey templates that can be customized for different segments or touchpoints.
  • Set up triggers: Use automation tools to trigger surveys based on specific actions or timeframes. For example, set a survey to be sent one week after a purchase or immediately after a support ticket is closed.
  • Automate follow-ups: Establish automated email sequences to thank respondents, ask for additional feedback, or offer solutions to issues raised by Detractors.

Velaris offers an intuitive drag-and-drop automation builder that simplifies the setup of these workflows. You can easily create triggers and automated sequences for survey distribution and follow-ups, ensuring that your NPS processes are efficient and effective. 

This automation allows you to focus more on analyzing feedback and implementing improvements rather than managing survey logistics.


Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys offer invaluable insights into customer loyalty and satisfaction. By taking a strategic approach to designing, distributing, and analyzing NPS surveys, you can gather meaningful feedback and take actionable steps to improve the customer experience.

Whether you're responding to Promoters, Passives, or Detractors, addressing feedback promptly and proactively helps build stronger customer relationships and drives retention. Integrating these insights into your broader Customer Success strategy ensures continuous improvement and alignment across teams.

Velaris makes it easy to automate the entire NPS process, from survey distribution to follow-ups, while giving you the tools to analyze and act on the results. By simplifying these workflows, Velaris lets you focus on what matters most: delivering exceptional customer experiences.

If you’d like to see how Velaris can help streamline your processes and drive Customer Success – book a demo today.

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